Measure Theory - Notes and Videos
Marty Ross
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For a number of years Marty gave a course in measure theory as part of the AMSI summer school. The notes from the final, 2013 version of this course are linked below. (The final notes, Handout 9 on Hausdorff measure and rectifiable sets, are from a separate mini lecture series and go well beyond what was covered in the summer school.)
These lectures were also videotaped in 2006. Unfortunately, the idiots at AMSI apparently wiped the high quality originals. Low res versions are linked below.
Handout 0 − Background Analysis
Handout 1 − Introduction
Handout 2 − General Measures and Lebesgue Measure
Handout 3 − Measurable Sets
Handout 4 − Measurable and Borel Functions
Handout 5 − Integration
Handout 6 − Lp Spaces
Handout 7 − Approximations of Sets and Functions
Handout 8 − Product Measures
Handout 9 − Hausdorff Measure
Handout A − Extra Solutions 1-19
Handout B − Extra Solutions 20-36
Handout C − Extra Solutions 37-64